All the latest resources for mitigating injury risk

DC Final 2

Optimising the use of KangaTech to help inform clinical decision making – A Clinical Case Study

During the webinar, Daryl delved into his experience optimising the use of KangaTech's KT360 to help inform clinical decision-making at Leeds United.

If you couldn't join us for the live event, don't worry! You can still access the recording by clicking the link below.



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A Comprehensive Guide for Measuring Muscle Strength

Strength is commonly measured in an attempt to maximise performance and mitigate injury risk in athletic and medical settings. In an attempt to gain more accurate measures of strength than traditional repetition maximum-based testing and to isolate specific muscle groups, Hand-Held Dynamometry (HHD) is often utilised. This eBook is a consideration of Isometric Dynamometry Options.


A Comprehensive Guide to Preseason Screening in Elite Football

This invaluable resource is designed to help you identify potential risk factors for injuries in football athletes during the preseason. By collecting data and analysing deficiencies and asymmetries, you can target these areas with specialised conditioning programs to mitigate the risk and enhance performance.

Improving Care for Better Athlete Outcomes

While monitoring processes have been shown to mitigate injury risk by identifying and improving communication around potential risk factors before pain or injury occurs, decisions around how and what to monitor in any population can be complex, require a collaborative approach, and must consider established workflows.

KT360 Independent Validation 

Victoria University undertook a validation study which assessed the relationship between the device measurements and a criterion (calibration masses). The validation protocol included testing of the device load cells at different masses (1-200 Kg), in two modalities of static force application (push and pull).

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